Building Hope

Reason to Hope
July 10, 2024
Themes of Hope
July 24, 2024
Reason to Hope
July 10, 2024
Themes of Hope
July 24, 2024

Building Hope


My topic is Hope: looking to the future with positive expectations.  

And I am tired.  

In the past week – a good friend was hospitalized, I spoke with a young man struggling with complicated grief, and the news is full of negative stuff. I know that others are tired, too. There is a sense of dread in the air fostered by news reports. Fear sells. You have challenges in your personal life, and we all share the drama of US politics.  

And still, I hope.  

Because I am just that stubborn. Because my friend deserves to get well and to feel supported. Because young people everywhere are growing up, falling in and out of love, finding their way, getting lost and finding their way again. Because there really are so many wonderful people caring for others, creating beauty, and solving problems. In my tiredness I am choosing to pursue hope, and I am inviting you to join me.  

Join me in choosing deliberate acts to build a sense of hope.  

Reach out with love and care to others.

There are so many ways to make a difference to friends and family. Call to check on how they are doing. Lend a listening ear. Encourage them to care for themselves and to pursue that goal. Supporting someone else’s future happiness is hope incarnate.  

Reach out for love and care from others.

Agh! This is not my superpower; I would much rather give than receive. And yet, it is so healing to be seen and heard. There are people who have the skills and ability to make a difference for you. Your vulnerability creates a connection that is life giving for both of you.  

Look for good stories.

It can be hard to tear your eyes away from dread but when you seek hopeful stories you will find them. New trees planted in a neighbor’s yard, positive test results from a friend, progress made in a project. Hope is found in little and big ways all around you.  

I am tired and I am choosing to pursue hope. My hope ultimately lies in my connections to other people who are seeking good in this world. 

Next week I will write about ideas shared with me from others. Feel free to contribute by sending me an email at or through social media comments if you see this posted online.

Peace, Laura